Lipid Consultation & 3-Month Follow-Up
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How It Works: • Book together and save 20%! • A PaladinMD will contact you the day you sign-up to obtain the necessary information to place the requisition order online at LabCorp for your bloodwork. • Book your Blood Draw: You can then go to the LabCorp website and make your blood draw appointment at a location nearest you. • Schedule your Lipid Consultation: Once you have made the appointment for your blood draw, we ask that you schedule an appointment through our booking calendar for your consultation 1- 2 weeks out to ensure your testing results are in and the doctor has had time to review everything. You will speak directly with with noted cholesterol expert, Dr. Michael Richman. • Dr. Richman checks your blood work 3 months following your initial lipid consultation and includes a new Lipoprofile and discussion to evaluate your progress. • Members can still enter coupon for additional 20% discount when booking.

Contact Details
(310) 481-3939